yammi.... :D
low calories + great taste
--> carrots
--> sweet corn
--> apple vinaigrette
My favourite salad ::: baby carrots :::
в 12:48 PM | Етикети: abc diet, eating disorder, healthy way of life, receipts, salads, skinny models, thinspired, thinspo, tinny models, weight loss
My fav breakfast ::: coffee + milk in a big cup
Butt of the day
в 12:14 PM | Етикети: abc diet, beautiful bodies, how to lose weight quickly, red dress, sexy butt, thinspo, work outButtspiration ;-)
Keep incentives...
в 12:50 PM | Етикети: calorie counting, calories, diets, fast food, fat people, fear of fat, obesity, thinspiration, weight lossStay ..inspired ...Say NO to a temptation - fast food, chocolate, coke...
Eat fruits and vegetables! Apples, bananas, oranges, grapes, melones, peaches, pineapples etc.
Drink a lot of water!
Drink green tea!
Be careful! Every calorie counts :::
What's in your lips today is in your hips tomorrow!
It's the first day of the rest of my ABC diet
в 12:30 PM | Етикети: abc diet, diet, fear of fat, how to lose weight quickly, thin, thinspiration, weight lossOn Monday, 25.01.2010 Winnie and I are going to start the ABC diet.
Day 1: 500 calories ::: 3 medium bananas + 385 grams apples (2-3 peaces)
Day 2: 500 calories ::: 600 grams baby carrots + 300 grams canned sweet corn
Day 3: 300 calories ::: 320 grams kiwi + 100 grams sliced smoked turkey
Day 4: 400 calories ::: 360 grams canned green peas + 150 grams eggs = 3 eggs
Day 5: 100 calories ::: ~300 grams baby carrots
Day 6: 200 calories ::: 2 medium bananas
Day 7: 300 calories ::: 300 grams sweet corn + 2 oranges
I feel it... It's going to be hard. For my calories calculations I use the following sites:
Calorie count
Wish me and Winnie best luck!
Butt of the day
в 12:19 PM | Етикети: addicted to butts, beauty, butt of the day, sexy ass, skinny, thinspoAre you thinspired?
в 8:59 AM | Етикети: anorexia, bulimia, diet, pro-ana, skinny, thin, thinspiration, thinspo, weight lossDid I mention some of my weak points?
I enjoy food!
I enjoy eating!
I enjoy cooking!
That’s not a hobby, not a way of life, it’s the way I’m. During the holidays I gained some weight. On Christmas and New Year’s Eve I ate very delicious dishes and couldn’t stop the acceleration of that pleasant eating habit. Now I have as a after-effect some pounds on my hips and butt. Recently I searched the internet to compose a good dieting and work-out plan for the next weeks.
I discovered a new word and a whole new world in losing weight. The magic word is “thinspiration”. It’s a shortening of the words “thin” plus “inspiration”.
Thinspo is practised by young mostly female teenagers to inspire them to lose weight by staying hungry and refusing to eat.
The young ladies contemplate famous thin celebreties and repeat dangerous slogans such as:
If you eat… you will stay fat
If you eat… no guy will ever want you
If you eat… you will be ugly forever
If you eat… the red dress will look horribly on you
Think thin
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels
Because the mirror hurts worse than starving
Typically the thinspirations are extremly thin models or actresses. Among the common “thinspirations” are Nicole Richie, Kate Moss,
The new generations have a simple and inexpensive access to Internet, TV, magazines etc. Young ladies all over the world are fastinatedby the idea of being thin and look like famous models. They exchange pictures, opinions and advices in chat-rooms and blogs how to overcome hunger and get thin. There is a fast developing society of hungry and sick young ladies. Everyone who is on an unhealthy diet longer than 2-3 weeks could incur many unpleasant illnesses. Bulimia and anorexia are the first stations on the way of thinspiration. Most skinny girls have a low self-esteem; some of them have flabby skin, spiritless bodies, tired faces; it seems they don’t have the power and desire to laugh and enjoy life. They measure their happiness with the shape of their bodies.
My aim isn’t to describe in details this condition. I just want to share my opinion how freak and dangerous could it be for growing-up bodies and unmature minds.
As I love to listen music I often watch music channels. In every video clip I see strong, healthy and natural bodies. Dancers have wide hips, round butts and are very feminine and sexy.
I bet that in the coming decade dancers’ bodies with wide hips are going to remove the protruding bones from the top position!
Read more...Ange ou démon ? Angel or devil ?
в 11:39 AM | Етикети: addicted to men, ange ou demon, angel or devil, beautiful ladies, life, love, relationship, thinspo, women, world.jpg)
What is better to be? An evil woman or an angel... Do men deserve to have a wonderful lovely woman? I sometimes really think they like bitches, men like to be treated bad and to be hurt...
In order to be loved and valued by our men, we ladies should remind them - men that our love is not a permanent condition. They have to do their best to enjoy it! Aren't they?
Nice Lingerie... beautiful ladies
в 9:32 AM | Етикети: ads, art, beautiful ladies, lingerie, sexy ladies, skinny, thin, thinspiration, thinspo, wonderful ladiesHello ppl,
as many of you have different phases and spirits in life I also have often ups and downs. I see a big interest for this blog although I don't spend time keeping it interesting in the last two months. I looked at google analytics and the results are really surprising for me... So that's why I try and find time and do my best to continue...
Since I'm a young and pretty lady I try to look well. Unfortunately during the holidays I gained some weight and now I'll do my best to lose weight... pfuh! I searched the web for different informations and stimuli and hit a new and unknown word - "thinspiration" !!!
I'm totally shocked by this way of thinking and behaviour!
My next post will be on the subject about this state of consciousness...